Wednesday May 8Time: 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Susanna Loeb, the new Director of Brown’s
Annenberg Institute, led Getting Down to Facts projects to
provide California citizens with key information about our state’s school
finances and governance.
Formerly a
member of the National Board for Education Sciences and the National Bureau of
Economic Research, Loeb was also the founding director of the Center for
Education Policy at Stanford and the co-director of Policy Analysis for
California Education.
Annenberg is researching how to help STEM
teachers improve their effectiveness and how to help all teachers increase graduation
rates of at-risk students. This builds on Loeb’s extensive research in other
areas such as the correlation of teacher pay to academic performance, why the
benefits of the Head Start program tend to fade over time and what the impact
is of experienced school principals on school and student success.
Please join us at the beautiful, Emerald Bay
home of Tamara and Dr. Jeffrey Deckey, M.D. ’88, P’22, for catered refreshments
and a stimulating, timely discussion about Brown’s role in the ongoing debate
about public education in America.
Take advantage of Brown Club OC’s special membership drive discount of $3 off your admission if you renew your paid membership now.
Take advantage of Brown Club OC’s special membership drive discount of $3 off your admission if you renew your paid membership now.
General Admission: $10
($7 with renewal of your individual College Hill or family Ever True
annual membership)
Emeritus members (80+ years young): $5
Students, Young Alumni
Bear) (Class of ’16 and later): FREE
For more information and tickets, click HERE.
Venue is a gated
community and prior RSVP BY MONDAY, May 6th is required!